Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I am not frustrated at myself, but at other people.  I get told on a daily basis that people are inspired by my weight loss and they all want to train with me, I offer them advice and try to set up times to train.. and when it comes down to it, they all bail and try to force feed me their excuses.

I can only do so much for my friends but it really frustrates me and I know you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.. but I just get so irritated listening to these excuses people give me and then they sit there whinging about how fat and unhappy they are.

I won't give up on them but I had to vent!

I have to find a way to help them get real.. maybe I will try the tough love approach? I don't want to be mean but at the same time these people are reaching out for help but not taking it.. argh!

I know how unhappy and depressing it is to be overweight.. and I know deep down inside there is a healthy person inside screaming to get out... people need to be honest with themselves and know that they cannot hide the fact that they are overweight and that people are judged by this.. because people judge. It's horrible the way human nature works.. but it's going to be my duty to help not only my friends but future clients when I become a trainer..

I just need to work out the best way to help people change their lives.

Anyways that;s my rant!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Round 3!

Ok after skipping Round 2, I feel like I missed out.. so I signed up for Round 3.  I've already got my mind/food/exercise right.  But I love the motivation and support I get from 12WBT.

I am now down to 85kg. Originally 132kg.  I no longer wear Plus Size Clothing.  Friends I haven't seen in months are in SHOCK when they see me!

I have a Personal Trainer now, who is giving me that extra push.  And I have enrolled in a Cert 3 and 4 in Fitness class as I want to help people change their lives the way I have changed my own!

Just thought that I would write a blog and touch base with everyone (i don't know who reads this but hey)

Also, I just came back from a Groove Method class and seriously it was life changing! Best fitness class ever. It's simple dance moves and you make it all your own. There is no right or wrong way to dance, as long as you are having fun and getting fit so I will probably go on about this in this blog! Everyone needs to get in on it!

Anyways, I hope that everyone who subscribed to this blog has achieved some or all of their goals.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Long time no post

Wow I have been flat out lately!! I have been following the program and I have been exercising like a mad woman.. I lost 5 kg but now I am sitting on that and it's getting really frustrating!! I have stepped it up but I guess I need to step it up more.

I have been ice skating HEAPS lately.. It's so good for my legs and I have so much fun so if anyone is in Melbourne join me at the Icehouse!! I am in love with that place :)

I've been struggling with affording all the yummy foods on Michellle's plans so I basically pick my favorite things and make doubles of everything and eat a lot of the same stuff just to save some money! As long as it's 1200 cal a day thats fine!

Getting a new job in a few weeks so hoping I can afford more. I have printed out every single week of the program so once it's finished I will continue to follow her plans throughout the rest of the year!! It will help me reach my goals!

On a happier note, all of my clothes are too big for me. I put on my winter coat and it's too big and it used to be tight on me!! I LOVE THIS! AND to top it all off, my body officially rejects bad food now.. I had a few lollies at work the other day and it made me sick to my stomach! I was so happy! Weird huh?

Hope everyone is going hard and losing lots of weight!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 1 - Completed

I have to say Week 1 was a MASSIVE success for me. I had already lost 2kg by wednesday. I have enjoyed all the food and I didn't slip up at all. I haven't felt hungry and I had really pushed myself.

Monday - I did Michelle's Gym Program.
Tuesday - Zumba - alone
Wednesday - Body Pump
Thursday - THE THOUSAND STEPS. Yep. Killed me. But I did it!
Friday - Michelle's gym program
Saturday - Went to the Icehouse and participated in "Pond Hockey" which was skating, puck handling, practicing shots on goal etc. I hadn't picked up a hockey stick since I was 15 but wow.. Still got it.. then I skated for another few hours on the other rink.
Sunday I rested. I needed it.

I should have put in some more strength training. The days Michelle wants me to do it differ to what is available in my gym so I will try to work around it all. And with the food - I have made 2 servings of a lot of things and just ate the same things during the week because I am pretty busy and there are some things I don't like such as fish.

I did weigh myself over the weekend and had lost nearly 5kg already!!! I am so happy with myself. People are noticing these differences I have made and I am using the compliments to fuel my workouts.

I am hoping to be at the size I want by the end of the year.. Hopefully in time for the Melbourne Cup.. I can put on a nice dress and go nuts! I've always wanted to do that.

Hope everyone else had a great Week 1. I love Michelle for doing this!!!! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Ok it's the night before Week 1 begins. I have never been so excited!!!! I've had a look at my meal plans and have organized everything for the week.

I know what gym classes I will attend and I will follow the tasks that Mish has set for me.

I have measured myself and found that I have lost a bit!!! (8cm on my waist!!!)

I have done the BIGGEST grocery shop of my life! I was a bit disappointed with the amount of money I spent but I am hoping that next week it won't be as bad! I struggle with money as it is and I know it's a small price to pay for my health but jesusssss !! So expensive!

Yet unhealthy food is cheap... no wonder so many people are struggling with their weight!

Anyways - looking forward to the next 12 weeks. I think what Mish is doing is amazing!!!

Good luck everyone!!! Let's do this!!

I want to lose 20kg in this 12 weeks!!! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Watching The Biggest Loser..

It started this week.. and I am just now watching it for the first time. Bawling my eyes out for these people who are literally eating themselves to death. Watching the trainers live with the families and eat what they eat also has made me realize how far I've come.

I used to eat like this. I used to sit there munching on chips and lollies every single day, eating Maccas several times a week etc. and just NOT caring about what goes into my mouth.

These days I am much more strict on myself. I can no longer process sweets and lollies anymore.. I still have a weak spot for salty foods but I limit myself and only allow myself to eat the bad food once and a while.. but I've found that over time I just feel like eating that bad food less and less each week.

Good luck to all the families on the Biggest Loser! Good on them for wanting to change their lives.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First rude encounter at the gym...

I have been going to my gym for about 8 months and so far everyone just keeps to themselves and have been friendly.

Today my friend and I were waiting for one class to finish so we could start Zumba and everyone was just waiting at the door so my friend and I were looking at the timetables to see what classes we could do next week.

There were these 2 ladies next to us, one was a bit older maybe in her 40s and the other one was in her 20s and for some UNKNOWN reason they decided to mock us.

I really couldn't be bothered with their negativity so I just said to my friend 'screw this. I am just walking away from this right now before I say something I regret.' and apparently one of them said to the other 'oh wow isn't she emotional'

Excuse me for wanting to make a better life for myself. I have already lost 20kg. How dare these 2 women mock me for simply standing there and reading a timetable, and discussing it with my friend. I already struggle with my body image enough without having people like that bring me down for no reason and they don't even know me

I just thought it was so rude and unnecessary. 

At least I kicked arse in Zumba and worked it harder than they did.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Body Combat

So I just attended my first Body Combat class.. and WOW. What a great workout!

I highly recommend adding this to your fitness routine!!!

I am going to be so sore tomorrow :(

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Third Pre Season Task - COMPLETE

My goals for the next 12 months

1 Month Goals
Lose 5kg
Walk at a pace of 5km for 20 mins non stop

How I Will Get There
Follow the 12wbt program, STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL - too many bad decisions are made when drunk/hungover. Go to the gym on weekends instead.
Push harder at the gym. Try to walk at 6km/hr for a few mins each day so that 5km/h doesn't seem as hard at first.

3 Month Goals
Lose 10-20kg
include jogging into treadmill routine.

How I Will Get There
Follow 12wbt program
Do not drink alcohol.
Try jogging for at least 2 mins per gym session until it feels right.

6 Month Goals
Lose 20-30kg
Start jogging more than walking during treadmill sessions

How I Will Get There
Follow healthy nutrition and exercise plan
Do not drink alcohol
Try jogging for a 5-10 min intervals in each treadmill session

12 Month Goals
Lose 30-40kg
Start running
Start playing hockey
Fit in a size 10 dress

How I Will Get There
Follow healthy nutrition and exercise plan
Do not drink alcohol
try to run for 5-10 mins in each treadmill session.

I decided to include 'stay away from alcohol' from each goal because I feel that every time I drink I find that I make really poor decisions regarding food and exercise so I have decided that I need to stop drinking for a while and concentrate on improving my body and my life.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Second Pre Season Task - COMPLETED

My Excuses and Their Solutions

Internal Excuses
I am too tired.
I am not motivated.
Work drained me today I just want to sleep.

Just get on with it, stop thinking about it and just DO IT. Each session will get me one step closer to my goals.

So what if work drained my life today? The gym will help me release my tensions. Boxing classes are on Monday evenings (which is my most stressful day at work) so I can take it out on the punching bags!

External Excuses Within My Control
I am too busy
I can't afford it.

Swap a rest day with an evening with friends. Not everything goes to schedule. Yes I have set days I like to be at the gym, and I used the rest days to see friends. As long as I work out 4-5 times a week that is FINE. Don't stress about having to swap a session around.

I can afford this. Shop at markets. Attend more gym classes to get value for money. I have enough equipment at home to get me by as well as the DVD's. Yes money is tight but I just have to spend it wisely.

Luckily I don't use these excuses often!

External Excuses Outside My Control
Touch wood there is an emergency

Deal with the crisis first. And as soon as I can get to the gym – I will. Hopefully I won't have to deal with this for a long time. But if I do – just deal with the crisis first and if I am stressed – try some Yoga or go for a walk to help. No matter what I will get back on top!

Monday, January 24, 2011

First Pre Season Task - COMPLETE

Ok so it was nice and simple. Go to the forums and introduce myself. I have to admit it was a little nerve racking as I am not one who likes to tell my life story to a whole bunch of strangers but at the end of the day - we are all there for the same reason and it was great to get some motivation and support from all the comments people left me!

The forums are actually quite addictive!!! I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories, and offering them words of "wisdom" or encouragement. It's been a really positive experience so far.

I can't wait to start week 1!! Hurry up Feb 21st!!

In the meantime I am continuing my healthy eating and my exercise regime but plan to step if up a bit in preparation for Week 1.

All I can think about right now is going into a shop and purchasing clothes that are a size 10. And heading out one night and actually having guys pay me attention for once and not because they have 'beer goggles' on. Actually looking forward to Summertime instead of dreading it and being able to look in the mirror and be proud of what I see because it will be a HUGE achievement for me to get to my goal weight.

And last but not least, and I know this sounds shallow but I want to show off my new body to all the guys who treated me like shit over the years, the ones who wouldn't committ to me just to show them what they are missing out on. Because I will have the whole package - looks and personality. And they can regret it.

Not that I am doing this FOR THEM. I am doing this for myself. It's just a bonus to be able to show off and rub it in a bit ;)

I just want to be comfortable and happy within myself. And I know I can do it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Ok this is my blog dedicated to the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation.

Watch this space! :)